Update from Garden Clubs

Groundwork Somerville is thrilled to be working with students at every Somerville elementary school school yard garden this fall! “Garden Club” participants have been busy collecting seeds, harvesting, cooking, eating, and playing games surrounded by the plants, bugs, and birds that live in our garden ecosystems. As Maya Jaugust from Argenziano School says, “Gardening is good because we help the plants and animals live. I really liked planting!”

This fall we learned why leaves change color, how to toast pumpkin seeds, and how to put our gardens “to bed” for the winter. In the first week of November, the gardens experienced their first frost and we watched our vegetable plants reach the end of their life cycle. Pulling dead plants out of the gardens, composting them, and mulching the garden beds will keep us very busy until Thanksgiving. After working for an hour removing dead plants and tilling the soil, Argenziano Kindergarten student Camilla Gomez exclaimed, “garden club is very very very good! It’s good because we get to plant stuff and because together we can shovel a lot of dirt!”